March 15, 2018

pretty in pink

"A profusion of pink roses bending 
in the ragged rain 
speaks to me of all 
gentleness and its enduring." 
~ William Carlos Williams ~

"Slow buds the pink dawn like a rose
From out night's gray and cloudy sheath;
Softly and still it grows and grows,
Petal by petal, leaf by leaf."
~ Jerry Smith ~

"I swear to you, 
there are divine things 
more beautiful than words
can tell."
~ Walt Whitman ~

photos thanks to beautiful serendipity, pinterest, rachell,  samuelle couture,
denise jackson, dust jacket attic, zsa zsa bellagio, everything fab,
rose, louise bourgeois, castles crowns and cottages


  1. Such lovely colours and pretty pictures all in one post! I'm especially obsessed with pink roses, I think they liven up any room :-)


    1. Thanks so much, Gemma! I'm obsessed as well, especially when they're pink! Great blog name, btw, elegant & modern. Thanks again! XO, Debbie


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